【同义词辨析】 2017-10-24 因此therefore-accordingly

therefore: stresses the logically deduced conclusion that it introduces: it was raining hard and ~ we stayed inside.    deduce推断演绎推理to use logic or reason to form a conclusion or opinion about something,如Alison had cleverly deduced that I was the author艾莉森已经聪明地推断出我是作者,如a word's meaning can often be deduced from its context一个词的意思常常可以根据上下文推断出来,在逻辑中deduce表示演绎,即归纳induce的反过程,在2018-06-20 推断infer-judge

hence: though often interchangeable with therefore, is more likely to stress the importance of what precedes: a meal badly overcooked and ~ inedible.  不可食用     what precedes之前的,这里指辑中的原因前提

consequently: tends to suggest good and reasonable grounds or a strong logical possibility: he said he would come; ~ we will wait for him.

then: when used to indicate logical sequence, is employed chiefly in the consequent clause or conclusion in a conditional sentence: if A and B are mutually exclusive possibilities and A is true, ~ B is false.      conditional sentence条件(复合)句

accordingly: usually indicates logical or casual sequence but connotes naturalness or usualness in the consequence rather than necessity or inevitability: knew where the edges of the driveway were and plowed the snow ~.   铲雪,plow本义犁地翻土

therefore所以: 强调结论符合逻辑,hence因此: 比therefore更强调原因或前提的重要,consequently所以: 表示很符合逻辑(good reasonable grounds, strong logical possibility),then那么: 这里表示逻辑顺序,引出(条件复合句中的)结果状语从句,即结论,accordingly相应的: 强调自然通常的逻辑关系,但不像前几个词那样强调必然必须

记忆方法:1)首字母记忆THAT Conclusion那个结论<==因此    5个词分别强调符合逻辑推理,原因前提重要,有力依据很有可能,从句中使用,自然通常
          2)因此的意思是作为结果mean as a result or concomitant.               concomitant相伴的伴随的作为结果的=happening at the same time,如a concomitant increase随之增长,a concomitant of a free press新闻自由的产物